The Serpentina Tour team (European edition), pictured onstage before the final show at SWG3 Galvanizers in Glasgow, Scotland.

Bottom row, from left: Salvador Hernandez (monitors/RF), Hailey Paolillo (dancer), BANKS, Sarah Kinert (dancer), Jamie Clem (photography), Scott Schirmer (lighting)

Middle row: Dana LaMarca (drums, playback), me, Jennifer Hanshaw (assistant), Jim Cadogan (merch)

Top row: Ricky Watts (FOH, production manager), Ryan Resch (tour manager), James (equipment bus driver)

We finished the European leg of The Serpentina Tour last week in Glasgow, Scotland, which also marked the end of The Serpentina Tour as a whole! Want to firstly congratulate BANKS on the realization and execution of a fantastic show for an incredibly unique and great album. I think this tour served as a sort of comeback for almost everyone involved after the pandemic years; it was apparent in the overarching feeling of gratitude which stretched from the first show in San Diego in May all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to Glasgow at the end of September. Secondly, I’d like to thank BANKS for trusting me to be one of four other people to share the stage with her. Through this experience I’ve been able to become more intimate with your music, and meet a slew of awesome, hardworking people who have become good friends.

From the blazing deserts of Arizona to the sparkling canals of Amsterdam, it was truly an adventure I will cherish for years to come.

…and hardly before the dust has settled, I have more news about what’s next coming very soon!

Pictured during the first show of tour at Austin City Limits Live at Moody Theatre, Austin, Texas (July 11 2022)

Sam Pomanti