Artwork by the man himself Orest Kus

Very excited to announce both a new project and a new release! AKIMBO is a two-man unit comprised of myself and Satoshi Oka. Oka-kun is a fantastic guitarist and composer who I met in Tokyo in 2019, and ever since I first heard him play, I thought he had one of the most unique and beautiful voices on the guitar I’ve ever heard. We decided to work on some music during the pandemic, casually tossing ideas back and forth across the Pacific. The first result of that collaboration is this piece, entitled 「Falling Moon」。While probably unnoticed by us at the time, I don’t think it’s too hard to imagine what emotions such a title came from during the pandemic! Despite the apocalyptic title, I thoroughly enjoyed how easy it was to write with Oka-kun—our musical senses and instincts seemed to be very compatible, and I think we’re both happy with how it turned out. Please give it a listen!

Written and produced by Sam Pomanti and Satoshi Oka

Mixed by Sam Pomanti

Mastered by Reuben Ghose

Me and Oka-kun meeting in Tokyo after 3 years (Feb 2023)

Sam Pomanti