相模原市の観光親善大使とWeb交流!Web Chat with Sagamihara Goodwill Ambassadors!
この間トロントの友好都市である相模原市の観光親善大使さんたちとオンタリオ州の日本語弁論大会の勝者 とWeb交流をさせていただきました! 今ごろ暗いニュースばっかりですけど、こういう境を越える会話ができたらとても嬉しかったです。下のリンクで観れます:
Recently I had the pleasure of chatting online with Sagamihara's goodwill ambassadors and this year's Ontario Japanese Speech Contest Champion. Sagamihara is a beautiful city just outside of Tokyo, and is also one of Toronto's international "friendship cities". It's been nothing but bad news lately, so I was glad to be able to have a cross-cultural exchange like this—talking about what we’ve been doing to deal with the pandemic in our respective countries, and remaining optimistic about the good parts of our cities and lives in general. The whole conversation is in Japanese, but click the link above if you’re interested! Thanks for having me guys! Ganbarimashou!