Remembering Al Schmitt
Sad to hear the news about Al Schmitt's passing...
I met Al while he was producer-in-residence at Humber College in Toronto. All the students who wanted to work with him while he was there submitted a song, and then he chose one to record, produce, and mix so everyone could watch his process. The song he chose was one I had written and that my band had recorded, so I got to spend a few days in the studio with him. I’ll never forget when he told me he stopped listening to submissions after he heard mine, because it was the “clear choice”—high praise that I still do not take lightly! Even my 20 year-old self could recognize the seemingly effortless way he used the studio, wielding it like a wizard does his wand. He was so gentle yet completely clear on what he wanted to hear, and I'll never forget his aura of unquestionable expertise and genuine encouragement. I went to visit him at his "HQ" in Capitol Records a little while afterward, where this picture was taken, and where he generously gave me and my Dad a tour of studio A, where he was going to be having a session later that day (with Bob Dylan, every instrument--including vocals--live off the floor). His discography speaks for itself, so I just wanted to share my own encounter with this friendly, generous, humble man who also happened to be a complete legend. Rest in peace Al!